Generative AI

I Invented a New Language and Visualized it with Dalle-3 (using my kids homework) - Part-1

Creating and visualizing a symbolic alphabet using ChatGPT and Dalle-3. It seems unreal, yet it's effortless to create your own language and then visualize it using AI. The potential is vast and possibilities endless.

October 13, 2023


01:45 But you'll see it kind of how that may come out later. Anyway, so I asked chat GPT to interpret this.

01:51 Did came up the whole alphabet and then it said a couple of symbols are repeating like the lightning bolt for both S and T smiley face for both B and Z.

02:00 And that wasn't actually the case, right? There wasn't actually a lightning bolt for both S and T. It just got it wrong.

02:06 So I corrected it a little bit asked it to correct the R, asked it to correct the the S appropriately.

02:13 And it did. Finally, we arrived at an alphabet that that was transcribed from my, my kid's homework. Right. Okay. So now I said, okay, now let's create, let's try to create a new language using this newly encoded alphabet.

02:29 Please spell out the word love using only these new symbols. You can write out. The symbolic words for readability. So I asked it to basically, you know, now write a word using this new language that it created.

02:41 Right. And it did. It's certainly based on the symbolic alphabet you provided. I've created the word love, right? So take the symbol that I created, and then it says the word love is spelled out with symbols, which is right here.

02:56 And then it says readable as up arrow planet with rings triangle heart with arrow. So for. Right. Cause kind of see where I'm going with this, right?

03:03 This is going to translate into a, an image, like into an actual visual representation of this new word that's being created.

03:10 So I want to show you what, what actually happened. So I said, okay, this is great. Thanks for the summary.

03:16 Now using the new readable symbolic representation of the word, please create an entirely new word that is an amalgamation of the symbolic words that can be phonetically pronounced in English, which should maintain the essence and root of those, those words into a new word that you could pronounce in

03:46 English. That was kind of readable, right? And it said, all right, let's create the new word using these symbolic words.

03:51 And it basically translates again, combining these phonetically while trying to maintain their essence up plus planet plus try plus arrowed plus equals upland trio.

04:03 So it came up with a new word upland trio based on the word love represented by a number of symbols, right?

04:10 And then it says upland trio is a phonetically pronounceable word in English that combines the symbolic words you provided. It captures the essence of ascending or rising up the vastness and mystery of space planet.

04:24 Number three, or something trifold tribe, and the notion of being directed or targeted, erode, right? So what does, and so, so I kept, I kept this going, right?

04:34 I said, so what does the new word upland trio mean? Can you provide a- definition? And it, it did. It provides a definition, right?

04:43 So you could kind of look at that, a concept or phenomenon that signifies directed or purposeful ascension towards vast possibilities, often inspired.

04:52 By cosmic or greater forces example, the sudden surge of innovation in the space industry feels like an upland trio driven by the allure of the unknown.

05:04 So now it's kind of giving me an example this word means that it simply created from the language that it encoded from my kid's homework, right?

05:12 And then it also gives a noun version. It says an object or tool described designed to navigate or explore vast complex terrain.

05:20 For example, the rover built with its three dimensional instruments was hailed as an upland trio of Vassas or Miss. This is the idea of the cosmos, the idea of three or something tri, so forth and so on, right?

05:39 So I thought this was simply very interesting. Here I was able to create a new word with a new definition with kind of a representation of the essence of what those symbols were in that were encoded in that word itself, right?

05:54 So I said, okay, cool. This is great. Now for both, for both definitions, right? Wanted to please create an individual design.

06:04 So I wanted to see how AI would now visually represent this word that's created based on the symbols that were used to create the word in the first place.

06:13 So here it is right. Here's the, here's the design. So it gives you like, kind of a visual and you can look at that and say, okay, yeah, I kind of, I kind of see that this represents upland trio in the sense that you're talking about, right?

06:26 And I just thought it was a fun kind of creative exercise to see how AI can interpret something and then not only interpret it, but take that and create something entirely new from that interpretation, right?

06:38 So that was just a fun little thing that I did. And I wanted to share that with you. So what are your thoughts? What do you think? What do you think about this? Right. Let me know in the comments below.

06:47 Thank you so much for watching. And as always, please like, comment and subscribe. I'll see you in the next video. Take care. Bye bye.

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