Make Money with AI

Build a Money-Making SaaS Business from Scratch with ChatGPT by Hacking One of the Best Marketing Books of All-Time

Exploring the use of ChatGPT-4 to create a SaaS business by applying principles from "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing." Could you create, automate, and scale a business using AI? Let's find out.

November 6, 2023
Build a Money-Making SaaS Business with ChatGPT

Over the weekend I was reminded about a book that I once loved – ‘The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing’. I found it sitting in a corner of my office, tucked away collecting dust. When I picked it up, I quickly flipped through the pages, skimming the details of each law, remembering how great of a book it is. Then it hit me.

What if you could use AI to help build a business or SaaS tool in much less time than you could on your own? Surely you could start a business more efficiently using AI, right? This peaked my interest.

I decided to test the idea a bit and quickly logged in to my ChatGPT-4 account.

ChatGPT Interface

ChatGPT quickly proceeded to outline all 22 laws written in the book.

List of Marketing Laws

Great, the AI was familiar with the concepts from the book. I then proceeded to ask ChatGPT to create a SaaS product by using the principles in this book, asking to also include answers to key business questions, and a business that could be operated by a Solopreneur with minimal capital and resources at disposal. I asked that the business built be specifically in the Realtor market.

ChatGPT SaaS Idea

The initial output was ‘okay’ and produced a sort-of interesting concept, a business called - RealtyNest. It was somewhat generic, but was feasible.

Here is a preview:

RealtyNest Preview

However, this business didn’t satisfy me and wasn’t quite good enough of an idea, so I pushed further.

Further Development

Now this is where things started to get more interesting.

Here is the output and response:

ChatGPT Business Development

ChatGPT Brand Creation

Brand Identity Prompt

Brand Identity Design

Not bad, eh? What if you could automate this process? What if you could scale AI business creation? Sounds crazy, but possible.

Now that I had a decent business idea with some hypothetical projections, could I build a brand around it? How difficult would it be to create a brand using ChatGPT – and would it be any good?

Platform UI Design Prompt

I asked and this is the result I received:

Platform UI Design

SaaS Tool on iPhone

SaaS Tool on iPhone

Not bad for a first attempt, with very little instruction - and something I could work with. I now had a very simple brand identity and I could now try to represent it visually. I finally asked ChatGPT to create a series of design prompts for me, so that I could do just that.

First, I needed a design prompt for the brand identity itself. What would the brand look like?

Here’s what ChatGPT gave me:

SaaS Tool on iPhone

Here is the visual design produced:

SaaS Tool on iPhone

Next, I wanted to see what the product/platform UI itself might look like.

SaaS Tool on iPhone

SaaS Tool on iPhone

Here is the visual design produced:

SaaS Tool on iPhone

Lastly, could I capture an image of what this new hypothetical SaaS tool might look like on an iPhone?

SaaS Tool on iPhone

SaaS Tool on iPhone

SaaS Tool on iPhone

It did it. ChatGPT, with minimal instruction was able to:

  • Produce a SaaS business idea within a specific niche (realtor market)
  • Make market and pricing projections
  • Build a simple brand with a core set of values and assumptions
  • Visualized it and what the potential creative design would look like

Not bad for a 15-minute session! Now the big question remains to be tested…. Can this be automated and scaled?

We shall see.

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